Yesterday I was working out, and before the final set I prayed that God would help me to do the whole thing without giving up, this was my thought process:
me: God please help me to do this
voice in my head: You only talk to him when you need help
me: thats true, I cant think about this while working out
voice in my head: why are you working out when you have to think about this
I shut out the voice and kept working out, but it left me thinking- how much of an add on is christianity in my life. Its a sideling thing that carries huge influence on my actions, or at least it would if I didnt completely shut out the voice that would tell me what to do. Todays culture cators to shuting out that voice: tv, laptop, music- tons of things to drown out that tiny voice. It's easier to shut out that voice because the religion christianity claims to be that voice: I think, “screw christianity, a sect of people who pretend to be better, I dont have to listen to them”.
But in reality that voice is Jesus, a man who loves me- whos crying when I ignore him. A lamb that while being spat on by me, gives his life for me. Like an abusive boyfriend I leave Jesus ignored, cheated on, and alone. In the garden the choice was just that, a choice: choose to love God and be faithful to him or choose the fruit. Nowadays the choice is less of a choice and more of a fight, to follow after Jesus one must constantly be chasing after him and blocking out the distractions.
How many of the disciples literally left everything to follow Jesus? Peter, Andrew, James and John left their nets, their profession, on a beach. Levi, left his profession- his tax collector booth in the street. Saul left his position and the mission he was half way through, to follow Jesus. God didnt ask us to give him our thoughts every once and awhile, God asked us to give our lives. when a man becomes a christian he shouldnt just start to go to church, he should change every aspect of his life to bring glory to God. Does God demand less of us now because these are different times, does he only want half or less of our attention now? 1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
I'm not saying that every christian should work in “a ministry” but they should be in ministry, a builder who charges the right price and who isnt greedy is a ministry. A post deliverer who is friendly and loving is a ministry, often times christians encourage everyone to “spiritulize” everything.
To me, a heart neckless is just as “christian” as a cross neckless. We christians in an attempt to christianise/ spiritulize everythng have made our own music, our own games, we even have our own guitar hero. We seem to have forgotten that Jesus made this world and everyone/ everything in it- we dont need to go making our own little world of christian things.
Often at church were encouraged to go people hunting, recently the turn or burn mentlity has come back with a new target, the christitians. The message is “if you dont convert everyone you know youv pretty much killed them” so it encourages us to get our picket boards and go out parading. There are programs offered on how to bring someone to christ. Like christian hunters we aquire a target and then try to bring them down, take them over to the “good side”. But we arnt called to be christian hunters, were called to be “fishers of men” fishers offer bait, and wait to be approached. They dont aquire targets, they just display themselves and if someone likes what they have, they come to inquire. there's no need to try to sneak Jesus into a conversation somewhere or invite them to church. show them what you have- not for the purpose of converting them, just live- loving everyone and God.
Love God, and love everyone.
Dont be a believer, be a follower
Thanks James, I appreciate your insight.
thanks James ... I am encouraged to focus on spending time with Jesus and becoming closer with Him, in the hopes He will become more evident through me and I would diminish more and more. Tired of the religion of "Christianity" always trying ..... and failing. thanks!
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