Today’s American Church is the rotted shell of what church is supposed to be. It’s nothing more than a gas station, where people can show up- crack the good book and be able to maintain their status as a Christian for the upcoming week. As churches grow bigger and bigger and become more and more staffed they become an organisation instead of an organism; People often say that they “attend this church” instead of meet with this church. What used to be a functioning body is now a ritual-fest, like thanksgiving and Christmas- the rituals have survived whereas the reason for their existence has nearly been forgotten.
How often does the American Christian switch professions, or even consider a job change after becoming a Christian? Very seldom does our Christian life interfere with our daily life. The American Christian has become so conformed into thinking that along with giving 10% of their income to Christ, they must also give only 10% of their energy, time and lives to Christ. We group the people who give more than that into special categories, and in doing that we feel less guilt for not giving as much as they do. Really there is no excuse for not giving our all to Christ; it should take priority over everything else, even our basic needs for survival. Mathew 6:25 therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
How many Christians have not read the whole bible, the cornerstone of their life’s sole purpose? It’s often a shelf ornament or a book that is more studied then put into practice. Why are Christians known for being judging and hateful, when one of our most important commandments is to love everyone? Young frightened girls entering abortion clinics are screamed at by us, homosexuals feel like they’re hated by us. As the good shepherd goes out to find the lost sheep, he pulls them back to a flock that is jeering and hating them. Or is it that the shepherd pulls the lost sheep past that flock and into the real flock? Mathew 7:22 many will say to me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?” then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you. Away from me you evildoers!”
America is in deep trouble spiritually, and the devils biggest achievement is that while we fall in our downward spiral, he has made it seem like we are doing fine. We don’t need another revolution, we simply need to pick up our bibles, and pray. If as individuals we can develop real relationships with Jesus then the church will follow suit.
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