Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Conformed/Ritualistic World

These Kids were raiseds in the Westboro Baptist Cult. They believe in God but the culture they’ve been raised in has told them that our God is not a loving one. 2 of these signs start with “God hates” in the book I read God hates 7 things, America and homosexuals aren’t on that list. This picture reminds me of Hitler’s Youth. If everyone around you says that Jews are bad and deserve to die, and you’re raised in that culture- I believe that you would grow up never doubting that Jews are bad.
I think that it is very easy to fall into a pattern of just accepting things the way they are:
There once was a lady who would only ever cook half a ham because that was how her mother did it, and her mother only cooked half a ham because that was how her mother did it. That lady’s mother only ever cooked half a ham because the oven was too small for a whole one.

I think that the culture we are raised in as children becomes so imbedded into our minds that we will never question the way certain things are, the rituals that we do every day are so natural to us that even if one tries they may not be able to realise everything they do without thinking about it. If one generation goes off track a little bit, then that will become their children’s default for being “on track”. If that generation continues to go off track then the preceding generation will be “very off track” by default, maybe that’s how cults are created.

Habits are so easy to form, and when a similar habit is acquired by many people, the habit becomes a culture. An easy way for a habit to become acquired by a lot of people is through a group where all the people are presented with the same information, from the same viewpoint. We need to have many different sources of information. Some people go to church but don’t read their bibles, so nothing counters/ challenges what the pastor says. The pastor tries to point you in the right direction but your compass has to always always be the bible.

The bible is our foundation; we must always bring ourselves back to the bible. Often times we look to the bible to support an idea “I want a tattoo so I’ll check if that’s okay” or “War is bad”. We should not be approaching the bible to support the way we want to think. It should be the “default reset” to our brain.

We are being conformed. It’s easy to be conformed. Be vigilant

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Love this!!!