Monday, February 21, 2011

Conformed Worship

I just got back from FEB’s “Sno Camp” it’s a Weekend youth retreat that happens every February in Muskoka. There’s always a lot of excitement the first night when the band comes on stage- fireworks, smoke, and light.

Followed by some real worship.

But not always, I think we often get confused between “Christian music” and worship. And I think “Christian music” whatever that stuff is, is possibly detrimental to our already brutally distorted Christian image. Worship music to me is just that, worship- praise, praising God. Not singing about ourselves. The only line from this band’s self-written songs that I remember is “let’s illuminate the world”. It made me want to break into the singer’s cabin at 3 am, and blind him with my flashlight; because that’s the only illuminating that man can do, Annoying and artificial. All of their songs were like that; they mentioned the key words that were required to make them “Christian” but it was not worship.

There were the yuppies singing and jumping at the front, closest thing to a mosh pit that these kids will ever see, and when the band would walk by they’d ask for autographs. It was exactly as if they weren’t a worship band- but it’s made “Christian” because they mentioned Jesus sometimes in their songs. (Getting close to a line here) but Jesus is a word, a five letter word, 2 vowels. Just a word, I think we need a wider classification system for “Christian music” then a couple keywords.

There was one point when the band introduced themselves, “Mr. Whoever on the drums” then he’d do a solo. I nearly threw up. Because really, the band is just an aid, as essential as the chairs we were sitting on. They were there to help us bring glory to God. I don’t care who they are. There’s a girl I know who writes amazing songs; one in particular that is a real glory-to- God worship song, the deepest and most emotional one I’ve heard. I had been trying to convince her to put it on her YouTube channel, and just this weekend to play it for the talent show- she kept telling me that it wouldn’t be right, that it’s not meant for a talent show where it’d bring glory to her. It makes me think that often times we glorify the earthly builder, instead of the creator- (builder because they assemble what’s already created)

Why is the band in church always at the front? we don’t need to see them

Why do the worship leaders talk? It’s not a presentation, no need for a presenter

I think there are a number of rituals that go unnoticed, that need to be noticed and corrected into a way that brings glory to God.


Rachel said...

Sanctuarys band is behind

michael said...

"The curse of a godless man can sound more pleasant in God's ears than the Hallelujah of the pious." -Luther

God thoughts. Brings to mind these questions.

How do you envision corporate worship in song? What would be the ideal for you? Is there one?

My ideal is found in Ezra 3:1,10-13 as the exiles returned to rebuild and dedicate the temple. And also in Nehemiah 8 where they gather to hear, and understand the Law of God and to praise him. In each of these instances the writer says they gathered as "one man." Unity like a school of fish that swims as one unit, a squadron of air-show jets, or a flock of birds. But with heart and soul instead of pure designed-mechanics. I long for the day when we all will gather to worship as one people...until then, true corporate worship seems to happen just as scarcely as it was recorded to have happened many years ago.