Sunday, October 10, 2010


I think that there is a strong relationship between the church today and modern day holidays. In the weeks leading up to Christmas everyone is stressed and busy with gift shopping, tree fetching, card writing.... All traditions that we made to MEAN something; gifts to show love, cards for the same reason, a tree- for fun, to decorate, i don't know. All these traditions that we created for our pleasure are usually burdens in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Thanksgiving is the same deal, everyone needs to get dressed up, visit the cousins, and its all very stressed. Its supposed to mean something- to be thankful, but I think that thanksgiving is more focused on the traditions, the food etc. If it wasn't named thanksgiving, would we still know what its about? I think that religion is like that, we have all these traditions but do they really MEAN what they were meant to when they were created? Does communion mean the same as it did when "the way" was doing it? They say its to remember, like same as remembering your PIN number, because that's how embedded the story of Jesus' death is in our mind. So we remember it.... "Now what? Oh, drink.... They should Make these glasses bigger" maybe "remember" is just part of it, like when you remember that you left your oven on at home, maybe our remembering should be followed by the strong emotion that, he died for me. Didn't Jesus wreck the "religion" the rules and regulations that are religion? I don't think that Christianity is a religion because Buddhism, Islam,and satanism are all religions. How can Christianity be under the same heading as ideas that aren't the way? Actually i do think that sometimes Christianity is a religion, when it is focused on rituals and "rules" (rules based on rules and not on love) and i think that's what we need to escape, being focused on the rules and not being focused on Jesus.
Me and 4 other youth met up the other night and decided that we want to be more then just believers, we want to be followers, we want to go wherever Christ leads, please pray for us.


Anonymous said...

go make a bomb or something

Anonymous said...

Hey James. Great comments on how following Jesus is NOT a religion! I'm so happy and encouraged you mentioned that some of the youth are committing to be "more than just believers". It's all about love, love love. Amen. Praying for you!


Bryden Doherty said...


michael johnson said...

"bigger communion cups." Absolutely. And more bread as well. More than we can drink in one sitting to remind of us of the infinite and unending sacrifice that is his blood. And more bread than could ever sop up the blood, to remind us, that He became the eternal man to gain the very blood He shed. A feast maybe...instead of a five minute procedure.
And before the feast becomes a mere ritual once more, the next intentional and thought restoring re-invigoration should occur.