Christianity! The most popular religion since the beginning of religion! And it’s FREE! Absolutely free no strings attached!!! Wanna be a Christian? Huh? Do ya? do ya? Well this is how, its actually quite simple! First Say some words, second go to church on Sunday, and third try your best to follow ten simple rules!! But if you break them it’s absolutely OKAY!
This is the common view of Christianity, well maybe not view although it may be; this is the common lifestyle of Christians. It’s no wonder more than half the church kids going into secondary education lose their “creed” Christianity is boring! There’s no fun in following rules, for no purpose at all! There’s no fun in listening to lectures and having sing alongs with a hundred other people to songs that are out dated and have no beat! Being a Christian is a waste of time. I would know btw I’m a pastor’s kid; I was a Christian for years!
I’m not a Christian anymore; I had to ditch being a Christian to follow Jesus, I am a passionate follower of Jesus, it is difficult to describe what a follower of Christ is, because it’s different for each of us,
…Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which peter would glorify God. Then he said to him “follow me!” Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?”) When Peter saw him he asked, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” John 21:19-23
Jesus is telling Peter to not worry about the other disciples, because his plan for him is different, when we follow Jesus we walk alone, on our own path. John the Baptist had his head chopped off, Peter was hung upside down, and Elijah left earth in a chariot of fire. We who are followers of Jesus walk our own paths.
Jesus doesn’t call us to add him to our lives as if it’s adding a new language to our vocabulary, he calls us to drastically dramatically change our lives for him. Simon, James, and John pulled up their boats on shore and left everything to follow him (Luke 5:11) when Jesus saw Levi in his tax booth he said “follow me” Levi got up left everything, and followed him (Luke 5: 28). Passionately following Jesus is about making Jesus your authentic priority, leaving it all to follow him. He says not to worry about food or clothes (Mathew 6:25-34), so the only reason to get a job would be to glorify God. Our primary purpose is to love God, and to love everyone. Our mission is to bring glory to God.
Being a passionate follower of Jesus means being an outcast like Jesus was, it means living as a barbarian- with raw untamed dangerous faith, and raw untamed dangerous love. That love that will allow you to die for anyone else, the faith that will allow you to give your last scrap of food to the poor, and still thank God for his abundance of blessings. A passionate follower of Christ is when you’re more than just a believer, when you’re a follower: when you will follow Jesus to the prison cell, to the street corner, even to death. It’s when your whole being is focused on its authentic priority, Jesus.
May Lord Jesus Christ bless you my Brother.
May God bless us make us more passionate n love each other...
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